Jenny's Blog

the best blog ever

Prepositional Poem


Haunted House

Inside the dark and shadowed house
Along the dusty hallways
Down the creaky stairway
Into the old basement
Infested with cobwebs
At the bottom of the stairs there lay a dead body
Inside my throat a scream forms

By,Emma O. And I

US Womens Soccer Game Tickets!


I’m really excited because last night my dad told me that he got us two tickets to the US Women’s Soccer Team game in San Antonio! Unfortunately it isn’t until October 20th. I don’t want to wait that long. I will being in a big group with some other girls from my team. I’m not sure if the game in on a weekend or a weekday. I’m hoping it’s on a weekday, because then I would get to leave early in order to get to the game on time, since it’s in San Antonio it will take a while to drive there. Abby Wambach and Alex Morgan are my favorite players from the team and out of all the teams. They are my two idles. I have always wanted to see them play in person and meet them. I don’t think I will actually get to meet them, but just being able to see them play in person will be a honor. I can’t wait till the game!



Soccer in the rain ............go Sydney !!
Photo Credit: Nina Matthews via Compfight

Soccer is my life! I love being able to step onto the field and to forget everything and just focus on the game. I love getting into the feel of the game. I love the rush you get as you run up and down the field, passing the ball, and beating players. I especially love the thrill that rushes through your body when you make that perfect shoot and the ball sails through the air and floats into the back of the white net. Soccer is my favorite sport and I know that even if I lose everything else I’ll always have soccer! What is your favorite sport?


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