Jenny's Blog

the best blog ever

I Am From


Spring Fog
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Indy Kethdy via Compfight

I am from…..

the warmth of grandma’s homemade hot chocolate melting away your taste buds

watching fireworks blast into the sky and burst into an array of colors on New Years Eve

From hiking through forests of giant towering cedar trees

and sitting on that one giant white bolder with my best friend letting my problems float away with the wind

From horrifying yet hilarious makeovers with my best friends

and sticking my head out the window the moment we reach the Colorado border every summer

From staring at the extraordinary mix of colors that form the beautiful paintings that my great aunt paints

and fearing the long scaly body and the knife like white venomous teeth of a snake

From decorating gingerbread houses with tons and tons of candy every year before christmas

to staying up late, curling up into bundles of blankets reading the night before christmas on christmas eve

from exploring new wonders, as I travel to new places

And wet slobbery kisses from my two black labs

from adrenaline rushing through my body as I kick the ball into the back of the big white net

and smiling so hard it hurts, as I make fun summer memories down at the lake

I am from many experiences, good and bad,experiences that made me who I am today

by posted under Uncategorized | 1 Comment »    
One Comment to

“I Am From”

  1. December 10th, 2013 at 10:15 pm      Reply Mrs. Kriese Says:

    What a wonderful concluding thought. Those makeover sessions sound like fun!

    You chose a photo by a photographer whose work I have used before. I like what she does with her images. They are always intriguing.

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